This page lists frequently asked questions. Here is the format used on this page.



How can I embed tweets on a Rabbit slide?

Use the "rabbiter" command. For exapmle, you use the rabbiter command as follows:

(after starting Rabbit, you will see tweets including the word "ruby" at the bottom of the slides in the form of comments)

 % rabbiter --filter ruby

How can I flow tweets on slides like an embeded video?

Run rabbit command with --comment-theme stream-comment options.

% rabbit --comment-theme stream-comment slide.rab

Taking into tweets with rabbiter command, you can flow them on your slides.

How to create a PDF with multiple slides per page?

For example, we make XXX_multi.pdf which has 8 slides per page from XXX.rd.

% rabbit -p --slides-per-page 8 -o XXX_multi.pdf XXX.rd

What should I do to use hare and tortoise on PDF slide?

Use --allotted-time option.

% rabbit --allotted-time 5m slide.pdf

The same value format of

# _
: allotted-time

on slides are available for that of --allotted-time.

For this example you set "5m" and the tortoise runs just 5 minutes.

Note that not all themes support the hare and tortoise feature. For example, the "default" theme supports it but the "lightning-talk" theme doesn't support it.

How can I reset tortoise to start?

Hit Alt+t

How can I include default style slides with one used "Takahashi method"?

Takahashi method is called lightning-talk as far as Rabbit.

We generally use the theme when we want to make pure Takahashi method slides.

= Title
: author
: theme
   lightning-talk # <= like this

= I am

= a Rubyist!

If you'd like to include plain slide which has e.g. unordered list as well as Takahashi method, you cannot do it in that way. Because the theme lightning-talk does not have any style definition for its display like list.

You can resolve the issue with including theme. Some themes which are mixed with lightning-talk theme are prepared. For example, a theme named "lightning-rabbit" is a mixture of "rabbit" and "lightning-talk". With this, you will get what you want as follows:

= Title
: author
: theme

= I am

= ...

  * ...
  * ...
  * ...

= a Rubyist
The theme "lightning-rabbit" is very neat like below.

 # enscript ruby
 include_theme("rabbit")       # (1)

 @lightning_talk_proc_name = "lightning-rabbit"
 @lightning_talk_as_large_as_possible = true

 match(Slide) do |slides|
   slides.each do |slide|
     if slide.lightning_talk?  # (2)
       slide.lightning_talk    # (3)

So in other words,

  1. Apply a theme for its base.((1))
  2. For only slides for lightning-talk((2)) overwrite its definition for look in one for lightning-talk. ((3))

In this way, you can include Takahashi method to your slide. Note that slide.lightning_talkは最後に! should be loaded in the last owing to overwrite default settings.

Finally, some themes have another name, for example, slide.lightning_talk also can be called slide.takahashi and slide.lightning_talk?can be called slide.takahashi?.

Happy Rabbitting!

How can I change property of specific slides?

In following example, you can change font to Italic on slides containing phrase "Redhanded".

match Slide do |slides|
  slides.each do |slide|
    if slide.match?(/Redhanded/)
      slide.prop_set("style", "italic")

How can I set new line?

Use following charachters.


This is available in both content and title.

TODO: Formerly we used &NewLine; but now can use \n , which means following sentence is oblsolete. Oh my god...

Rabbit has got into the magic as well as Ruby, which "makes what you shouldn't looks ugly". *1

The reason it is difficult to put new lines in Rabbit and they makes source dirty is that Rabbit wants you not to use so many new lines.

The most important reason of it is that you shouldn't take too long sentences to set new line on slides. You'd better think of shorter one rather than use long terms with many new lines.

If you show so long sentence on your stage, they will achieve more attention than that towards you. Note that some says you should be appearant when want to tell them the most important thing*2. Longer sentence makes it much difficult for you to do so.


*1Using $ for global vars is a kind of "Magic Powder" for Ruby.
*2sure ?