About Rabbiter

Rabbiter is a tool that collects tweets related to the talk and sends them to Rabbit as comments.

In public conference such as RubyKaigi, audiences tweet comments about the listening talk to Twitter. To show the comments to your slide showed by Rabbit, you can use Rabbiter.

If you have room to breathe, you can reply to the comments to reflect audiences' opinions. An audience can listen your talk with some different points of view because an audience can know other's comments. Note that you have a risk that audiences are interested in audiences' comments rather than your talk. You should ready your talk to make very interesting talk rather than audiences' comments.


You can install Rabbiter by RubyGems. Required packages are also installed.

% gem install rabbiter


Rabbiter filters target tweets by specified keywords. It's good idea that you use hash tag for the conference. Here is an example command line for "#rubykaigi" hash tag:

% rabbiter --filter "#rubykaigi"

Rabbiter collects target tweets that have specified keywords. *1

If you don't run Rabbit yet, the following error message will be shown:

Rabbiter: DRb::DRbConnError: druby://localhost:10101 - #<Errno::ECONNREFUSED: Connection refused - connect(2)>

You can run Rabbit before Rabbiter and Rabbiter before Rabbit. You can show tweets from Twitter on your slide by running Rabbit after the above error message is showen.

% rabbit rabbit-theme-bench-en.gem

This example hash tag "#rubykaigi" isn't suitable for test because RubyKaigi isn't always sitting. "twitter" keyword is suitable for test. Someone tweets a message that contain "twitter" at the world.

% rabbiter --filter "twitter"

Can you show tweets on your slide? OK. Use your rest time to ready your talk.

Advanced usage

Normally, the above description is enough. In some cases, you need more description. The below is description for those cases.

Register multiple keywords

Many conferences use only one conference hash tag. But some conferences use one ore more conference hash tags. For example, one conference hash tag is for the whole conference and other conference hash tag is for a session in the conference. Or you may want to collect tweets that don't have hash tag but have related keyword. For example, you want to collect not only "#rubykaigi" but also "Ruby".

You can use --filter option multiple times to specify multiple keywords. Here is an example command line that specify "#rubykaigi" and "Ruby" as keywords:

% rabbiter --filter "#rubykaigi" --filter "Ruby"

Filter by user's language

Global keyword is used all over the world. For example, "twitter" is used all over the world. So you can collect many tweets in many language by the keyword. If a conference is holed at Japan, tweets in Japanese will be related to the conference but tweets in French will not be related to the conference.

You may want to show many comments in your slides but you should show only related comments to your talk. You can use user's language to filter related tweets.

Here is an example command line that filters by Japanese:

% rabbiter --filter "#rubykaigi" --user-language "ja"

You can specify --user-language option multiple times like --filter option. You can collect only specified languages. Here is an example command line that filters by Japanese or French.

% rabbiter --filter "#rubykaigi" --user-language "ja" --user-language "fr"

Sends comments to Rabbit that is run at other host


More information

You can see all available options by running with --help option. Look the output to find a feature what you want.

% rabbiter --help


  • Kouhei Sutou <kou@cozmixng.org>
  • OBATA Akio <obata@lins.jp>


The code author retains copyright of the source code. In other words the committer retains copyright of his or her committed code and patch authors retain the copyright of their submitted patch code.


Licensed under GPLv2 or later. For more information see 'GPL' file. Provided patches, codes and so on are also licensed under GPLv2 or later. Kouhei Sutou can change their license. Authores of them are cosidered agreeing with those rules when they contribute their patches, codes and so on.

Mailing list

See Rabbit's users page .

Join development


Rabbiter's repository is GitHub.

Commit mail

You can stay up to date on the latest development by subscribing to the git commit ML. If you want to subscribe to the ML, send an e-mail like the following.

To: commit@ml.rabbit-shocker.org
Cc: null@rabbit-shocker.org
Subject: Subscribe


Bug report

Use the mailing list or Issues on GitHub for reporting a bug or a request.


Here is a contributor list. Thanks to them!!!

  • OBATA Akio: He wrote the initial verison.


*1Because Rabbiter uses Twitter's streaming API API.